Friday, January 22, 2010

# 6: Decay

Meet this weeks contributor Ian  - see self portrait below ;) - who kindly sent us 2 photos.
Thank you  :)

left: Iris <--------------------------------> right: Andrew

old broken bicyle out in the orphaned duckling eats, its life away...bubbling metal storms and old broken chains...and a hospital doorstep, shelter for pain...sea woods are bounds to a chissled stone wall while an auto-house opera stands silent before a storm...and j.j. arthur has been closed for years...but we still ask the question why modern decay??? (written by andrew gerard ball)


  1. Iris, love that rusty barnacley vessel thing on top. And love the 2nd one by Andrew looking into the water, took me ages to realize that wasn't some landscape or painting. Tricked my eyes big time ♥

  2. omg. ruby, you're right! i thought it WAS a landscape till i saw you said that.
    supercool! all!

  3. Love the little duck by Ian. So cute!!

  4. @ Ruby & Sus, don't know how Andrew took that shot without falling in ;)

    @Cathy, isn't it great?
    a very different take on decay!

  5. Very thought provoking or should I say emotive photo's in this one. Really captured the despressing aspect of decay - quite sad though inevitable I guess?
